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We Love Our Interns and What We Do!

        Cindy's Canine Companion's             Dog Grooming Mentorship


Dear Prospective Intern:



Thank you for your interest in Cindy's Canine Companions Pet Grooming Mentorship. I would like to clarify exactly what I do. I want all my mentees to feel comfortable. Cindy's Canine Companions Salon & Services is a private tutorial/internship program that provides individual instruction by a tutor, which is me.  Currently we do not need to be licensed to become a pet groomer in any state. There are several ways to learn the skills needed to groom dogs and cats.  On the job training, Internships, which is what I offer, and traditional schools. I would like to welcome you to the world of Dog Grooming. Cindy's Canine Companions offers you an opportunity to learn or enhance your pet grooming skills. The personalized one to one mentorship you will receive at Cindy's Canine Companions is unique and offers you a hands-on approach at developing the essential skills required for pet grooming.   If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.  I will provide you with individualized internship that will meet you right where you are, and customized schedules and offer you the knowledge that will enable you to learn pet grooming. Upon completion of the sessions, you will receive a framed certificate of attendance.




                                                       Cindy Blatt, CPG CAH AS

For more information or to reserve your training program.

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